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'Ngomik' (make the comic) is one way to convey a message or a fantasy in the form of images that have a story line. I choose this way simply because I can only draw with little ability to construct a story.

I was interested in making comics when I started to know it in the 70's. At first just reading and of reading it then I was compelled to make my own comics. My first comic I made on one sheet of paper. The scene of a prince who declared love with a beautiful princess with one line of dialogue: "Princess, will you marry me?". I made it when I was 7 years old, and I show it to my cousins.

That my first so naïve comic was clearly affected by HC Andersen comics that was popular at the time.

My interest to make superhero comics genre emerged when I was crazy about fantasy comic works by Mr. Hasmi and late Mr. Wid NS. Mr. Hasmi is the creator of the character Gundala Son of Lightning, Maza the Conqueror, Prince Mlaar, Kalong, and Merpati, while Mr. Wid NS created Captain Dhahana, Godam and Aquanus.

From both comic artists I learned to understand the anatomy of the body as a provision making superhero comics. No wonder if there is a saying that my drawing style similar to the style of Hasmi and Wid NS.


Since then I began to pursue the superhero comics until now. The images on the left are a few characters that I created.


Creating comics for the hobby.

If you could earn from it, it's called luck and do not forget to thank God for the good fortune.


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